

MF35, FE35, TO35 4 Cylinder Standard 23C Starting Problems

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I’m in the middle of rebuilding a 1957 35 with the 23c engine. I bought this as a non runner having had a engine rebuid kit fitted the previous owner failed to get the tractor going. After stripping the engine down again I found the trouble to be a ringset that was about half an […]

Engine Oil Contaminated With Diesel Fuel Or Water

On occasions there can be an unexplained increase in the tractor engine oil level. The question is why has this happened.

There can be one of two contaminants in the oil; either coolant water or diesel fuel can escape from their systems.

The first observation to make is to assess the colour and consistency of the fluid. […]

By |January 14th, 2009|Engines, Troubleshooting|8 Comments