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The hydraulic top cover on the Massey Ferguson 35 (FE35 and TO35) is a heavy and difficult piece of metal to handle.  It takes 2 people to remove the top cover and then it needs turning upside-down to work on it.

This bracket, in conjunction with a handle, makes removal of the hydraulic cover a one-man operation.  Not only can the cover be both removed and replaced in a controlled manner, but it also provides a method of turning the cover upside-down in order to work on it.


We cut the sides from 12mm steel plate, but a slightly thinner plate should be strong enough.  A length of 25mm X 115mm box is used to fasten the plates together.


You don’t need to be too precise with the 115mm or 140mm dimensions, as there is plenty of margin for error.
Click on this link ” bracket001 ” to open a plan drawing of the side plates of the bracket.  This is drawn to scale so you should be able to copy the shape straight onto your steel plate.  We drilled both holes 3/4?, but it would give more flexibility if the hole marked on the diagram is drilled to 1? (or even slightly larger).  A scale is indicated on the drawing so you can make sure your printer has printed it off to the correct size.

The Handle

The handle wants to be just a bit longer than the distance from the pivot point of the bracket (the point that the top cover hinges from the bracket).  The handle doesn’t want to be any less than this, otherwise it will pivot back on itself and get difficult to hold.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a second person to help you with the last bit of travel when flipping the top cover over.  It is a heavy component, and as it comes over the vertical/blance point it will become progressively ‘heavier’ as it inverts and turns around the pivot point of the bracket.

CAD Drawing

Brian has sent us in a CAD drawing of the bracket which has some more accurate dimensions. Click this link to get the CAD drawing –  Bracket for Hydraulic Top Cover Removal – Massey Ferguson 35.


Once the bracket is attached by the 2 pins and the handle is fixed to the top cover (on the seat fastening bolts) then you can flip over the top cover as shown in the video.

Many of you have made a bracket – Alan from Ontario has made a bracket and sent in some photos.

Dave’s Improved Design

Dave from New South Wales, Australia has also been busy designing and building his own bracket.  This is an improved and more phosisticated diesign which gives more control of the initial lift of the top cover off the transmission housing.

