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We launched the TE20 Hydraulics DVD last month and it’s already been sent all over the world to Ferguson tactor owners in…
Norway, Republic of Ireland, United States, England, Scotland, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man, Germany, Australia and Denmark.
Preview Video
Now things have settled down a little and Vintage Tractor Engineer has found a moment, we’ve produced a short preview video so people can get a feel of the content.
Here it is, enjoy…
I am restoring a what I believe is a TEA 20 Engine No however is a bit confusing
S 3054 FR. Hydraulics/transmission casting No 532
Also could I run a McConnen bako off the inboard pump
Ferguson 35 wont tip trailers. no pressure comes on the hose. Have plenty oil coming through.
What could be wrong???
Hi Folks, i reciently purchased the 20 hydraulics dvd from your web site. i to found it very informative and easy to follow. i have since removed and stripped the hydraulic pump on my TEF 20 with no problems. As you mentioned on the dvd, O-Rings are fitted to my pump rather than the gaskets used in previous models. i am looking to replace these o-rings, but i cannot find the correct size documented anywhere. can you help. thanks, Ken.
a trick a local contractor used to use – try using a chain from one lift arm ball end to the opposite arm and route under drawbar this will stop arms lifting and will then pressurise the tipping ram
Hi Denis,
Have you got the trailer hitched with a draw bar rather than the pick up hitch?
You need to have a T-bar fitted to hold the linkage down from its very top position (as the hydraulics cut off when arms are in very top position).
hi,got the 20 hydraulics dvd,very clear and easy to follow,my diesel 20 hydraulic pump just needed cleaning and new O rings,as there were O ring and gaskets fitted.valves seemed ok not worn out or broken,put all back new oil, but still have same problem ,it wont tip my trailer ,my empty trailer.i raise the lever and the arms come up and the only way it will raise the trailer when empty is if i push down on the arms. my tipping hose is taken of the top outlet and i tried the bottom point also but the same. is there a certain way to operate the hydraulics in order to tip a trailer? thanks