
MF35 Overheating and Stalling

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Lau from Denmark has done a complete engine rebuild of the 23C engine in his Massey Ferguson 35.  However, he is having some problems and has written in to see what could be the trouble.  He says…

I have followed the whole rebuild process acording to the fantastic DVD I bought (I also bought […]

Why A Series Wound Starter Rotates The Same Way Regardless of Battery Polarity

This is a guest post from Alan Clark…

Here is a detailed explanation of the reason a Series Wound starter motor still rotates the same way regardless of battery polarity.

When Battery Polarity is reversed both Field and Armature currents are reversed -rotation direction remains the same.

If the Starter […]

By |June 10th, 2011|Tractor Electrics|1 Comment

How To Fit Core Plugs, MF35

In the UK we’ve had two consecutive cold winters and the frost has blown core plugs from some engines which haven’t either been drained of coolant or had sufficient antifreeze concentrations.  Owners who have had blown core plugs are lucky that this fail-safe has worked – they could have been dealing with a more serious […]

By |June 7th, 2011|Engines, MF35 FE35 TO35|1 Comment

MF 835 Injection Pump

Here at Vintage Tractor Engineer we are used to working with the UK built Ferguson tractors.  However, when it comes to some of the US built machines we start to get a bit lost as to which model is the UK equivalent and are they exactly the same or just very similar with small differences.

Then […]

By |March 5th, 2011|Engines|2 Comments

Ring Gaps, MF35 23C Engine

The ring gaps are an important thing to look at when assessing an engine for serviceability.  Excessive ring gaps will cause reduced compression, impair starting and running performances.
What is the ring gap?
The ring gap is the gap between the end of the rings.  This is measured with feeler gauges.
Tractor and engine manufacturers will provide tools […]

By |February 16th, 2011|Engines, MF35 FE35 TO35|2 Comments

Tractor Maintenance Help

We are always getting requests for different tractor mainenance DVD’s, tutorials or guides on how to do different jobs.  This one came in recently…
Hello, I have the 23C Engine Rebuild & MF 35 Hydraulics Repair DVDs, they’re great. Any chance you could do one for the 20C engine, the TE20/MF35/MF135 G/boxes including Multi Power? I […]

By |February 7th, 2011|Articles/News|3 Comments

Setting Lever Springs For MF35 Hydraulics

Making the settings on the lever springs for the Massey Ferguson 35 hydraulic system is quite a fiddly job, and the method is shown in detail on the MF35 Hydraulics DVD.  However, we just thought that a written description of the process may also help.

So here it is…

Loosen retainer nut and eccentric cam.
Make sure quadrant […]

By |February 3rd, 2011|Hydraulics, MF35 FE35 TO35|6 Comments

Ferguson TE 20 Hydraulics Tutorial Preview Video

We launched the  TE20 Hydraulics DVD last month and it’s already been sent all over the world to Ferguson tactor owners in…

Norway, Republic of Ireland, United States, England, Scotland, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man, Germany, Australia and Denmark.
Preview Video
Now things have settled down a little and Vintage Tractor Engineer has found a moment, […]

By |January 22nd, 2011|Hydraulics, TE20|6 Comments